Practical Ways To Care For Your RV AC

Few things can make an RV vacation more miserable than a hot and stuffy ride, and if you don't maintain your unit — you can expect this type of experience. Sure, a great thing about a rooftop unit is the fact that it's quite easy to maintain, but there are some things you need to do when the RV is not in use to keep it in good shape.

Keep it Covered

When it's not in use, keep a secure cover on the unit. Outside elements like dust, leaves, and other matter can easily settle inside the AC and cause it to malfunction, especially if the RV is not in use for some time. When selecting a cover, make sure it's designed for use with an AC. 

Some covers are not sized for such a small unit, some are not water safe and some are made from plastic, which can cause condensation to form inside the unit as the temperature fluctuates between hot and cold averages. Keep in mind; condensation can ultimately lead to rusting inside the unit, so it's best to avoid it. 

Change the Filter

You should regularly change the filter in your unit while in use, especially if you have pets. While the unit is designed to force cool air into the vehicle, it does have an intake area. Dust, debris, and pet hair can also be sucked into the intake opening and make their way inside the unit. 

Once inside, this debris comes in contact with the moisture in the air inside the unit and sticks to its evaporator. A clogged evaporator will prevent the unit from cooling the air correctly and could even lead to irreversible damage. Unlike traditional AC units, the average RV unit has a removable filter that can be washed and replaced. 

Spot Leaks

Always look for an indication that there is water leaking from inside the unit. A water leak is always a sign of an issue. If you didn't have the unit covered, it's likely that rainwater has leaked in through the unit. 

However, if the unit was covered and begins leaking while in use, it could be condensation leaking from the unit due to a failed gasket. In this instance, you need to stop using the unit and have the gasket repaired to correct the issue.  

Keep maintenance a priority to keep your next RV trip cool and comfortable. Also, consider a dependable unit like an RV Coleman Mach 1 Powersaver AC.
